
What Do Gorillas, Meerkats and Skydivers Have in Common?

Alfie Dawson
Founder & Executive Creative Director
June 20, 2024

Data is essential for marketers. It helps us to understand our customers, target our campaigns more effectively, and measure the success of our efforts. However, data is not everything. To generate original ideas that take leaps forward often relies on attempting ideas that aren't backed by data.

Why is data so important for marketers?

Data is important for marketers because it helps us to:

  • Understand our customers: By collecting and analyzing data, we can learn about our customers' demographics, interests, and needs. This information allows us to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.
  • Target our campaigns more effectively: Data can help us to identify the most promising customer segments and to target our campaigns accordingly. For example, we can use data to identify customers who are most likely to be interested in a particular product or service.
  • Measure the success of our efforts: Data can help us to track the performance of our marketing campaigns and to identify areas for improvement. For example, we can use data to track website traffic, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction.

Why is data not everything?

While data is essential for marketers, it is important to remember that it is not everything. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Data can be biased: Data is only as good as the source it comes from. If the data is biased, then the insights that we draw from it will be biased as well. For example, if we collect data from a customer satisfaction survey, but only the most satisfied customers respond, then the data will be biased towards positive feedback.
  • Data can be incomplete: Data can be incomplete, either because it is not collected or because it is not accurate. For example, if we collect data on website traffic, but we do not track visitors who come to our website from social media, then the data will be incomplete.
  • Data can be misinterpreted: It is possible to misinterpret data and to draw incorrect conclusions. For example, if we see that a particular marketing campaign resulted in a high number of website visits, we may conclude that the campaign was successful. However, it is possible that the website visits were not from qualified leads, or that the visitors did not convert into customers.

Here are a few examples of successful marketing campaigns that weren't backed by data:

  • The Cadbury's gorilla advert was launched in 2007 and features a gorilla playing the drums to Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight". The advert was a huge success and won a number of awards, even though there was no data to suggest that consumers wanted to see an advert of a gorilla playing the drums. In fact, some people thought that the advert was ridiculous. However, the Cadbury's marketing team believed in the advert and they were willing to take a risk.
  • The Red Bull Stratos project was a 2012 skydiving project in which Felix Baumgartner jumped from space. The project was also a huge success, watched by millions of people around the world, even though there was no data to suggest that it would be successful. The project was a risky and daring one, but Baumgartner and his team were willing to take the risk.
  • The Compare the Meerkat ads were a series of British insurance ads that featured meerkats as the main characters. The ads were very popular and helped to increase the company's market share, even though they were not based on any data-driven insights. The ads were simply funny and engaging, and they resonated with consumers.

How can marketers use data and creativity to generate successful ideas?

Marketers can use data and creativity to generate successful ideas by:

  • Using data to identify trends and opportunities. Data can help marketers to identify trends and opportunities in the market. For example, a marketer can use data to identify new customer segments, to identify emerging markets, or to identify new product or service opportunities.
  • Using creativity to develop innovative solutions. Once marketers have identified trends and opportunities, they can use their creativity to develop innovative solutions. For example, a marketer can develop a new product or service, a new marketing campaign, or a new sales strategy.
  • Using data to test and refine ideas. Once marketers have developed innovative ideas, they can use data to test and refine them. For example, a marketer can use data to test the effectiveness of a new marketing campaign or to test the demand for a new product or service.

By using data and creativity together, marketers can generate successful ideas that help them to achieve their business goals.

How the Cadbury's gorilla advert, the Red Bull Stratos project, and the Compare the Meerkat ads compare

The Cadbury's gorilla advert, the Red Bull Stratos project, and the Compare the Meerkat ads are all examples of successful marketing campaigns that weren't backed by data. However, there are some key differences between the campaigns.

The Cadbury's gorilla advert was a classic example of a creative campaign. The advert was funny, engaging, and memorable. It also had a strong emotional impact on viewers.

The Red Bull Stratos project was a more stunt-based campaign. The project was designed to push the boundaries of human possibility and to generate excitement and buzz for the Red Bull brand.

The Compare the Meerkat ads were a humorous campaign. The ads featured meerkats as the main characters and they were designed to be funny and engaging. The ads also had a strong call to action, encouraging viewers to compare car insurance prices.

All three campaigns were successful in different ways. The Cadbury's gorilla advert helped to increase brand awareness and favorability for the Cadbury's brand. The Red Bull Stratos project generated excitement and buzz for the Red Bull brand. And the Compare the Meerkat ads helped to increase market share for the company.


Data is an important tool for marketers, but it is not everything. Creativity and intuition can also lead to success, even in the absence of data. The Cadbury's gorilla advert, the Red Bull Stratos project, and the Compare the Meerkat ads are all examples of successful marketing campaigns that weren't backed by data. These campaigns show that it is possible to create successful marketing campaigns by using creativity and intuition, in conjunction with data.

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